We need another fun personality to help us on-board our new dog families for half the day and then to win over all of the pet experts in town as they refer their clients over to us for the other half of their day. What's wild is...
This is honestly the easiest, funnest and most rewarding job you might ever find as we are changing the world for our dog families one-at-a-time (just look at our reviews).
No kidding, we often have weeks where we our sales guys will have a staggering 100% closing ratio, so when we say this is easy and fun, it is! Even better, because we are growing so fast, we have MULTIPLE career paths for the ambitious. What's more is that…
More dog groomers, veterinarians and doggie day cares refer their clients to us for dog training than anyone else in town.
Why? Because we offer the safest, cheapest and most effective way to train dogs. Full stop. We aren’t the #1 in-home dog trainer in town for no reason, but now…
We need another ridiculously confident people-lover and dog-lover to help us continue to win over all of the dog vendors in town and help us on-board new dog families. That is, we need something like a relationship manager to help us get more leads from our partners and then on-board those new families when they want training.
Do NOT apply unless you are an overachiever and can prove it. We don’t hire from resumes, backgrounds or experience. We hire fun people who get things done, and then we train them in all they need to know to succeed with us.
Average reps make $3,000/mo, while killers make over double that in performance bonuses. If you want to change the world for dogs, make crazy-good money and have a blast all week at work, then you’ll fight for a shot at getting interviewed by applying below.
If you have the right stuff, we’ll know…
Who We Are: We are THE #1 dog training company in the Mid-South and are a family-owned and operated company. We are also a disruptor to the dog training world.
The Big Idea: Our mission is to help families with dogs enjoy their “best friend” (without all the frustrations) while also building a game-playing tribe of dog-lovers nationwide. We started our first location in Memphis, TN in 2018 with the goal of being in 100 cities in no time flat.
Our Impact: We aim to train 1 million dogs by 2050, which means that we’ll have restored 1,000,000 homes back to a sense of sanity (if you have ever lived with an unruly pet, then you know EXACTLY why many of clients think of us as heroes!).
We can’t fix all of the dog problems in the world, but we think that changing the lives of one MILLION dog families is a great start! This is why we come to work each day with so much passion (because really now, who gets do work that ACTUALLY matters in the world?)
What Makes Us Special: There are 100 kinds of dog trainers (service dogs, hunting dogs, narcotics dogs, etc), but we specialize in obedience training. It’s the one most people think of when they think of dog training….and of the 1,000’s of obedience trainers in the world, literally ALL of them train in the basic positive commands like sit, come, down, stay, heel, etc, but very very VERY few will come to your home to train you and your dog in it’s home habitat. WHERE the dog is trained matters because this means that, again, VERY FEW dog trainers can actually fix the problem behaviors that drive families crazy, like pulling on the leash, bolting out the door, pooping on the carpet, jumping on guests, etc - which means that we are in very HIGH demand!
This explains why we believe that training dogs IN THEIR OWN HOME environment is the safest, cheapest and most effective way to train a dog and their family at the same time.
Seriously, we are often the only ones who offer this kind of training in any given city. As we are training their dog, we invite them out to play in the Wonder Dog Games, an entire platform we built to have family fun with their newly trained dog. Literally NO ONE in the world does Dog Games…except us. Fun, right?
Our Situation: Between all of the dog vendors in town (groomers, vets, doggie daycare, etc) who refer their clients to us and all of the ads we run, we get 200-300 requests a month from families asking us to train their dogs (this is an absurd!). To keep this up, we need a Relationship Manager to help us keep up good relations with all of our Dog Network Partners AND to help us sign-on these new clients (after which, we then we send out our team of Dog Pro’s, aka dog trainers, to go out and train all those dogs and families.)
Even Better: We tend to promote within 6-12 months, and are looking to expand to Nashville and Little Rock within the year, and aim to have 100 locations nationwide. What that means to you is that, as we grow up, you can move to other cities as we expand, or stay here at HQ and help us lead the teams. The sky is the limit and we are designing everything to scale to hit our goals.
Now…If this doesn’t sound like the best thing you’ve ever heard, then we bless you to find your place in the world, buuuut if this DOES sound awesome, then keep reading…
$3000-6000/mo (salary + bonuses + gas)
40-45 hrs/wk, typically 11 AM-7 PM Tuesday - Friday, and then 9 AM-4 PM on Saturdays
Traits: Happy, healthy, over-achiever who is driven to get things done, hates to lose and loves the thrill of the win! To say that another way, high-energy conversationalists who can win anyone over and loves to kick butt.
The Work: Half of your day is spent networking. You'll stop in to see all of the dog vendors in town (think: vets, groomers, daycare, invisible fence, etc) to continually win them over with free lunches & swag as they send us leads. This is the long-term relationship-building, networking part of the job. The other half of the job is sales, that is, helping us on-board dogs families which fit our criteria (happy but disobedient - never aggressive) .

Wake up looking forward to your work day!
Hear your friends say, “Oh what a cool job!” when you tell them what you do,
Get lots of flexibility in your schedule and autonomy in your work,
- Meet dog lovers, dog doctors, dog groomers, dog boarders, dog breeders and all sorts of the dog industry network in town,
- Play with with dozens of affectionate dogs and puppies of all kinds in any given month,
- Evaluate and interact with adoring dog owners of all kinds (who desperately see you as their hero),
- Meet 1000’s dogs and puppies as you represent us at local festivals (Cooper-Young Fest, BBQ fest, Germantown Fest, etc),
- Join a team of who takes their personal and professional development seriously. You will grow into a better version of you by merely being around all of us. No kidding.
If you made it this far, we are eager to talk to anyone who thinks that they would make a good fit on our team.
Click the button below to tell us about yourself so we can reach out to you hitting the ground running.
Got a quick clarifying question before you start the application process? Email us at applications@wonderdogtraining.com